C = i. d(x i, ˆx i ) 2 + d( x i, Ĥˆx i) 2

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1 ECE661 HW5 Chad Aeschliman 10/23/08 1 Problem Statement The problem is to determine the homography between two similar images. RANSAC is to be used to prune a crude set of correspondences down to good set and to provide an initial homography. Levenberg-Marquardt minimization is then used to modify this homography in order to minimize the reprojection error. 2 Solution The implementation of the initial feature detection and correspondence matching as well as the RANSAC renement closely follow the textbook and were covered in preceding homeworks so they will not be discussed again. The output of RANSAC is an initial guess at the homography between the two images as well as a set of good correspondences (the set of inliers) between the images. Given this information, the idea is to rene the estimated homography until it in some sense optimally explains the correspondences. Levenberg- Marquardt (LM) minimization can be used to do this. The rst step is to dene a measure of optimality (cost function). The denition for the cost was taken from the textbook (Equation 4.8): C = i d(x i, ˆx i ) 2 + d( x i, Ĥˆx i) 2 where (x i, x i ) is a corresponding pair of points from RANSAC, the parameter ˆx i is a oating point in the domain image, Ĥ is an estimate of the homography between the images, and the distance function d( ) is taken to be the euclidean distance. Note that C is minimized by adjusting the oating points ˆx i and the estimated homography Ĥ. Intuitively, during the optimization each oating point and its corresponding point (determined by applying the estimated homography Ĥ) attempt to move as close as possible to one of the corresonding pairs identied by RANSAC. This is achieved by adjusting the location of each oating point and also Ĥ. The advantage of this cost function is that it methodically handles the error in the coordinates of the identied correspondences in both images. This is in contrast to the symmetric transfer error cost function which assumes that the coordinates of the correspondences are known exactly in the rst and then second image in turn. LM was used to minimize the cost function using the open source c/c++ implementation lmt 1. This implementation computes a numerical approximation of the Jacobian, which greatly simplies the code and is still fast (for the images which were tested, LM converged within about one second). Hence, the implementation is primarily limited to just the denition of a cost function which parses a vector of parameters and returns the x and y distances between each oating correspondence and the associated RANSAC correspondence. 3 Results The solution method outlined in the preceding section was tested on several pairs of images. For each pair, in order to evaluate the accuracy of the estimated homography each image was remapped using either the 1 1

2 homography or its inverse to match the other image. The magnitude of the pixel by pixel dierence was then computed. Several gures are included at the end of this report which show the remapped images and the dierence images. For each gure, the top two images are the input images, in the middle are the remapped images (placed under the image they should match), and the bottom images are the dierence images. Note that some pairs of images have signicant brightness dierences which tend to dominate the dierence images and makes them dicult to analyze. 4 Code 4.1 hw5.c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math. h> #include <float.h> #include <limits.h> #include "opencv/cv.h" #include "opencv/highgui.h" #include "lmfit/lmmin.h" #include "hw5. h" #define VERBOSE_PRINTING 0 // utility function which prints out a matrix void p r i n t M a t r i x (CvMat M, const char name) int indent_size ; int i, j; int rows = M >rows ; int cols = M >cols ; // print the matrix name indent_size = printf("%s = ", name); // print out the matrix for ( i = 0; i < rows ; i++) // start of a row if ( i ==0) printf("["); for (j = 0; j < cols ; j++) if (j > 0) printf(","); printf("%11.5lg", cvmget(m, i, j)); if ( i==rows 1) printf("]\n"); else printf("\n"); // indent the next line for ( j = 0; j < indent_size ; j++) printf(" "); printf("\n"); // This is the function which is to be minimized. In particular, // the LM algorithm attempts to force the square of the entries // in fvec to 0. void lm_evaluate_custom(double par, int m_dat, double fvec, void data, int info) int i; CvMat H = cvcreatemat (3,3,CV_64FC1) ; ; CvMat image1_coord = cvcreatemat (3,1,CV_64FC1) ; CvMat image2_coord = cvcreatemat (3,1,CV_64FC1) ; optimization_data opt_data = (optimization_data )data; int number_of_inliers = opt_data >number_of_inliers ;

3 // first fill in the homography with the parameters in par for ( i =0;i <9; i++) cvmset(h, i /3, i %3,par [ i ] ) ; // compute the distance between the estimated "true" coordinates in image1 // and image2 and the original coordinates cvmset(image2_coord,2,0,1.0) ; for ( i =0;i<number_of_inliers ; i++) double dx = par[9+2 i] opt_data >inlier_set2 [ i ].x; double dy = par[9+2 i+1] opt_data >inlier_set2 [ i ].y; fvec [4 i] = dx; fvec [4 i +1] = dy ; cvmset(image2_coord,0,0, par[9+2 i]); cvmset(image2_coord,1,0, par[9+2 i +1]) ; cvmatmul(h, image2_coord, image1_coord) ; dx = cvmget(image1_coord,0,0) /cvmget( image1_coord,2,0) opt_data >inlier_set1 [ i ].x; dy = cvmget(image1_coord,1,0) /cvmget( image1_coord,2,0) opt_data >inlier_set1 [ i ].y; fvec [4 i +2] = dx ; fvec [4 i +3] = dy ; // Prints out some status information during the optimization void lm_print_custom( int n_par, double par, int m_dat, double fvec, void data, int iflag, int iter, int nfev) if (iflag == 0) printf("starting minimization\n") ; else if (iflag == 1) printf("terminatedafter %devaluations\n", nfev) ; #i f VERBOSE_PRINTING int i; printf(" errors : "); for ( i = 0 ; i < m_dat ; ++i ) printf(" %12g", fvec [ i ]) ; printf("\n"); #endif // First computes an i n i t i a l set of correspondences between two images // using Harris corner detection and NCC. Then refines these correspondences // using RANSAC. Finally, uses all of the inliers identified by RANSAC // to compute a homography between the images using Levenberg Marquardt. int main( int argc, char argv ) char filename1 ; char filename2 ; IplImage image1 ; IplImage image2 ; int i; int number_of_correspondences ; C v P o i n t c o r n e r s 1 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS ] ; C v P o i n t c o r n e r s 2 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS ] ; optimization_data data ; //defined in hw5.h CvMat ransac_h = cvcreatemat (3,3,CV_64FC1) ; CvMat invh = cvcreatemat (3,3,CV_64FC1) ; // attempt to read in the image f i l e s if (argc >= 3) filename1 = argv [1]; filename2 = argv [2]; else printf("usage : hw5 filename1 filename2") ; return 1;

4 if (( image1 = cvloadimage( filename1,1) ) == 0) printf("could not read file 1!"); return 2; if (( image2 = cvloadimage( filename2,1) ) == 0) printf("could not read file 2!"); return 2; // compute some correspondences using the Harris corner detector and // NCC using a simplified version of the code from hw3 (code is in // compute_correspondences.c). compute_base_correspondences(image1, image2, corners1, corners2, &number_of_correspondences) ; printf("%d base corresponences:\n",number_of_correspondences) ; // run RANSAC on these base correspondences to get an inlier set // and an i n i t i a l guess for the homography (code is in ransac.c) compute_ransac_correspondences ( corners1, corners2, number_of_correspondences, data. inlier_set1, data. inlier_set2, &data. number_of_inliers, ransac_h) ; printf("%d inlier corresponences:\n",data.number_of_inliers) ; printmatrix (ransac_h, "Ransac_H" ) ; // With an i n i t i a l homography from RANSAC and a set of inliers, we now // need to run the LM algorithm to refine this homography. CvMat input_coord = cvcreatemat (3,1,CV_64FC1) ; CvMat output_coord = cvcreatemat (3,1,CV_64FC1) ; cvmset(input_coord,2,0,1.0) ; int n_p = 9+2 data. number_of_inliers ; double p = malloc(n_p sizeof( double)); for ( i =0;i <9; i++) p [ i ] = cvmget(ransac_h, i /3, i %3) ; cvinvert(ransac_h, invh,cv_lu) ; for ( i =0;i<data. number_of_inliers ; i++) cvmset(input_coord,0,0, data. inlier_set1 [ i ]. x) ; cvmset(input_coord,1,0, data. inlier_set1 [ i ]. y) ; cvmatmul( invh, input_coord, output_coord ) ; p[9+2 i ] = cvmget( output_coord,0,0) /cvmget(output_coord,2,0) ; p[9+2 i +1] = cvmget(output_coord,1,0) /cvmget(output_coord,2,0) ; // auxiliary settings : lm_control_type control ; lm_initialize_control(&control) ; control. maxcall = ; control. ftol = 1.0e 16; control. xtol = 1.0e 16; control. gtol = 1.0e 16; control.stepbound = 10.0; // perform the Levenberg Marquardt minimization using the lmfit library lm_minimize(4 data. number_of_inliers, n_p, p, lm_evaluate_custom, lm_print_custom, &data, &control) ; printf("\nlm Exit String : %s\n\n",lm_infmsg [ control. info ]) ; // form the error minimizing homography and print it out CvMat minimized_h = cvcreatemat (3,3,CV_64FC1) ; ; for ( i =0;i <9; i++) cvmset (minimized_h, i /3, i %3,p [ i ] ) ; free(p); printmatrix(minimized_h,"minimized_h") ; // use the new homography to map the range image to the domain and // vice versa. // compute a corrected range image by applying H^ 1 to a grid of points in // the world coordinate system cvinvert(minimized_h,invh,cv_lu) ; IplImage corrected_image = cvcreateimage( cvgetsize (image1),8,3) ; cvzero(corrected_image) ; int j,k; for ( i =0; i<corrected_image >width ; i++)

5 cvmset(input_coord,0,0,( double) i); for ( j=0; j<corrected_image >height ; j++) double xi, yi, fx, fy ; cvmset(input_coord,1,0,( double) j); // compute the associated image coordinate cvmatmul( invh, input_coord, output_coord ) ; xi = cvmget(output_coord,0,0) /cvmget(output_coord,2,0) ; yi = cvmget(output_coord,1,0) /cvmget(output_coord,2,0) ; // i f outside of the image then move on if (xi <0 yi <0 xi>=(image2 >width 1) yi>=(image2 >height 1)) continue ; // compute the fractional component of the image coord. fx = xi ( int)xi; fy = yi ( int)yi; // compute the pixel value using linear interpolation for (k=0;k<3;k++) double value = 0; value += (1.0 fx) (1.0 fy) (( uchar ) (image2 >imagedata + image2 >widthstep ( int)yi)) [(( int)xi) 3+k ] ; value += (1.0 fx) fy (( uchar ) (image2 >imagedata + image2 >widthstep ( int)(yi+1)))[(( int)xi) 3+k ] ; value += fx (1.0 fy) (( uchar ) (image2 >imagedata + image2 >widthstep ( int)yi))[((int)( xi+1)) 3+k ] ; value += fx fy (( uchar ) (image2 >imagedata + image2 >widthstep ( int)(yi+1)))[(( int)(xi +1)) 3+k ] ; (( uchar )(corrected_image >imagedata + corrected_image >widthstep j))[i 3+k] = value ; // save corrected image char new_filename [FILENAME_MAX ] ; strcpy(new_filename, filename2) ; sprintf(new_filename+strlen (new_filename) 4,"_r2d_new. png" ) ; cvsaveimage(new_filename, corrected_image) ; // create and save the difference image IplImage difference_image = cvcreateimage( cvgetsize(image1),8,3) ; cvabsdiff(image1, corrected_image, difference_image) ; strcpy(new_filename, filename2) ; sprintf(new_filename+strlen (new_filename) 4,"_diff_r2d_new. png") ; cvsaveimage(new_filename, difference_image) ; cvreleaseimage(&corrected_image) ; cvreleaseimage(&difference_image) ; // now do the other direction corrected_image = cvcreateimage( cvgetsize(image2),8,3) ; cvzero(corrected_image) ; cvmset(input_coord,2,0,1.0) ; for ( i =0; i<corrected_image >width ; i++) cvmset(input_coord,0,0,( double) i); for ( j=0; j<corrected_image >height ; j++) double xi, yi, fx, fy ; cvmset(input_coord,1,0,( double) j); // compute the associated image coordinate cvmatmul( minimized_h, input_coord, output_coord ) ; xi = cvmget(output_coord,0,0) /cvmget(output_coord,2,0) ; yi = cvmget(output_coord,1,0) /cvmget(output_coord,2,0) ; // i f outside of the image then move on if (xi <0 yi <0 xi>=(image1 >width 1) yi>=(image1 >height 1)) continue ; // compute the fractional component of the image coord. fx = xi ( int)xi; fy = yi ( int)yi;

6 // compute the pixel value using linear interpolation for (k=0;k<3;k++) double value = 0; value += (1.0 fx) (1.0 fy) ((uchar ) (image1 >imagedata + image1 >widthstep ( int)yi)) [((int)xi) 3+k ] ; value += (1.0 fx) fy ((uchar ) (image1 >imagedata + image1 >widthstep ( int)(yi+1)))[(( int)xi) 3+k ] ; value += fx (1.0 fy) ((uchar ) (image1 >imagedata + image1 >widthstep ( int)yi))[((int)( xi +1)) 3+k ] ; value += fx fy ((uchar ) (image1 >imagedata + image1 >widthstep ( int)(yi+1)))[((int)(xi +1)) 3+k ] ; (( uchar )(corrected_image >imagedata + corrected_image >widthstep j))[i 3+k] = value ; // save corrected image strcpy(new_filename, filename2) ; sprintf(new_filename+strlen (new_filename) 4,"_d2r_new. png" ) ; cvsaveimage(new_filename, corrected_image) ; // create and save the difference image difference_image = cvcreateimage(cvgetsize(image2),8,3) ; cvabsdiff(image2, corrected_image, difference_image) ; strcpy(new_filename, filename2) ; sprintf(new_filename+strlen (new_filename) 4,"_diff_d2r_new. png") ; cvsaveimage(new_filename, difference_image) ; return 0; 4.2 hw5.h #ifndef HW5_H_ #define HW5_H_ #define MAX_NUM_CORNERS void compute_base_correspondences(iplimage image1, IplImage image2, C v P o i n t c o r n e r s 1 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS], C v P o i n t c o r n e r s 2 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS], int number_of_correspondences) ; void compute_ransac_correspondences ( CvPoint c o r n e r s 1 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS], C v P o i n t c o r n e r s 2 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS], int number_of_correspondences, C v P o i n t i n l i e r _ s e t 1 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS], C v P o i n t i n l i e r _ s e t 2 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS], int number_of_inliers, CvMat best_h) ; typedef struct int number_of_inliers ; C v P o i n t i n l i e r _ s e t 1 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS] ; C v P o i n t i n l i e r _ s e t 2 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS] ; optimization_data ; #endif / HW5_H_ / 4.3 compute_correspondences.c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math. h> #include <float.h> #include "opencv/cv.h" #include "opencv/highgui.h" #include "hw5. h" #define DIR_X 0 #define DIR_Y 1 #define W5 #define THRESHOLD_EIG 25 #define MATCH_W 9 #define THRESHOLD_NCC 0. 7 // compute the 3x3 Sobel gradient of a grayscale image

7 void computesobelgradient(iplimage input, IplImage output, int direction) short sobel [3][3]; int i,j,i2,j2; short temp ; // f i l l in sobel matrix if (direction==dir_x) sobel [0][0] = 1; sobel [1][0] = 2; sobel [2][0] = 1; sobel [0][1] = 0; sobel [1][1] = 0; sobel [2][1] = 0; sobel [0][2] = 1; sobel [1][2] = 2; sobel [2][2] = 1; else sobel [0][0] = 1; sobel [0][1] = 2; sobel [0][2] = 1; sobel [1][0] = 0; sobel [1][1] = 0; sobel [1][2] = 0; sobel [2][0] = 1; sobel [2][1] = 2; sobel [2][2] = 1; // now convolve cvzero(output) ; for ( i =1;i <(input >width 1) ; i++) for ( j=1;j<(input >height 1) ; j++) temp = 0; for (i2= 1;i2 <=1; i2++) for (j2= 1;j2 <=1; j2++) temp += sobel [ j2 +1][ i2+1] ( short) (( uchar )( input >imagedata + input >widthstep ( j+ j2)))[i+i2 ]; ((short )(output >imagedata + output >widthstep j ) ) [ i ] = temp ; // find the corners of an image using Harris method int find_corners(iplimage dx, IplImage dy, short corners_x, short corners_y, int corners_value) int i,j,i2,j2; // compute a Gaussian window of the appropriate size double sigma = (W 0.5 1) ; double inv_sigma = 1.0/sigma ; int kernel [W][W]; for (i= W/2;i<(W+1)/2; i++) for (j= W/2;j<(W+1)/2; j++) kernel [ j+w/ 2 ] [ i+w/2] = ( int)(w 2 inv_sigma exp( 0.5 inv_sigma inv_sigma ( i i+j j))); // sum squared gradients over neighborhoods and identify corners. int sum_dx2, sum_dy2, sum_dxy ; double test_value ; unsigned short corner_count = 0; for (i=w/2;i<(dx >width W/ 2 ) ; i ++) for (j=w/ 2 ; j <(dx >height W/2) ; j++) // compute local squared gradient sum sum_dx2 = 0 ;

8 sum_dy2 = 0 ; sum_dxy = 0 ; for (i2= W/2;i2<(W+1)/2; i2++) for (j2= W/2;j2<(W+1)/2; j2++) short single_dx = (( short )(dx >imagedata + dx >widthstep (j+j2)))[i+i2]; short single_dy = (( short )(dy >imagedata + dy >widthstep (j+j2)))[i+i2]; // Note: scale by 1/(W^2) to ensure no overflow sum_dx2 += k ernel [ j2+w/2][ i2+w/2] single_dx single_dx/(w W kernel [W/2][W/2]) ; sum_dy2 += k ernel [ j2+w/2][ i2+w/2] single_dy single_dy/(w W kernel [W/2][W/2]) ; sum_dxy += kernel [ j2+w/ 2 ] [ i 2+W/2] single_dx single_dy/(w W kernel [W/2][W/2]) ; sum_dx2 = sum_dx2/(256) ; sum_dy2 = sum_dy2/(256) ; sum_dxy = sum_dxy/(256) ; // now compute whether or not this is a corner // and decide if we should keep it. double t r a c e = sum_dx2+sum_dy2 ; test_value = 0.5 ( trace sqrt(trace trace 4 (sum_dx2 sum_dy2 sum_dxy sum_dxy) ) ) ; if (test_value > THRESHOLD_EIG) // meets the threshold,now check its neighbors char should_use = 1; int index = 1; for ( i2=0;i2<corner_count ; i2++) if if (i corners_x [ i2 ] <= W/2 && corners_x [ i2] i <= W/2 && j corners_y [ i2 ] <= W/2 && corners_y [ i2] j <= W/2) // the corner with index i2 is a near neighbor so compare if (test_value > corners_value [ i2 ]) // replace the other corner should_use = 1; index = i2 ; break ; else // don ' t use it should_use = 0; break ; (should_use) return corner_count ; // check if we are replacing a neighboring corner if (index < 0) // add as a new corner if there is room,otherwise we drop it if (corner_count < MAX_NUM_CORNERS) index = corner_count ; corner_count++; // store the corner if (index >= 0) corners_x [ index ] = i ; corners_y [ index ] = j ; corners_value [ index ] = test_value ; // compute the normalized cross correlation of two matrices double compare_squares_ncc(cvmat template, CvMat subimage, double template_norm, double subimage_norm) int i,j; int temp_sum = 0 ;

9 int mean_template = 0; int mean_subimage = 0; for ( i =0;i<template >cols ; i++) for ( j=0;j<template >rows ; j++) mean_template += (( uchar )(template >data. ptr + template >step j))[i ]; mean_template = mean_template/( template >rows template >cols); for ( i =0;i<template >cols ; i++) for ( j=0;j<template >rows ; j++) mean_subimage += (( uchar ) (subimage >data. ptr + subimage >step j))[i ]; mean_subimage = mean_subimage/( subimage >rows subimage >cols); for ( i =0;i<template >cols ; i++) for ( j=0;j<template >rows ; j++) temp_sum += ( ( ( uchar )(template >data. ptr + template >step j))[i] mean_template) ((( uchar ) (subimage >data. ptr + subimage >step j))[i] mean_subimage) ; return ((double)temp_sum) /( template_norm subimage_norm) ; void compute_base_correspondences( IplImage image1, IplImage image2, CvPoint corners1 [ MAX_NUM_CORNERS], C v P oint corners2 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS], int number_of_correspondences) int n, i, j ; short corners_x [2][MAX_NUM_CORNERS ]; short corners_y [2][MAX_NUM_CORNERS ]; int num_corners [ 2 ]; int m a t c h _ i n d e x _ n c c [MAX_NUM_CORNERS ]; int match_count = 0; for (n=0;n<2;n++) IplImage image ; IplImage gray ; // convert image to grayscale if ( n==0) image = image1 ; else image = image2 ; gray = cvcreateimage( cvgetsize( image), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ) ; cvcvtcolor ( image, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY ) ; // compute gradient in the x and y directions IplImage dx = cvcreateimage( cvgetsize ( gray), IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1 ) ; IplImage dy = cvcreateimage( cvgetsize ( gray), IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1 ) ; computesobelgradient(gray,dx,dir_x) ; computesobelgradient(gray,dy,dir_y) ; cvreleaseimage(&gray) ; // find the corners int corners_ value [MAX_NUM_CORNERS ]; num_corners [ n ]= find_corners(dx, dy, corners_x [n], corners_y [n], &corners_value [n]) ; cvreleaseimage(&dx) ; cvreleaseimage(&dy) ; // determine correspondences double template_norm, best_match_ncc ; int best_match_index_ncc ; for ( i =0;i<num_corners [ 0 ]; i++) CvMat sub_image ; CvMat template ; // assume no match match_index_ncc [ i ]= 1;

10 // check that the square is inside the image if (corners_x [0][ i ] < MATCH_W/2 corners_y [0][ i ] < MATCH_W/2 corners_x [0][ i]+match_w/2 >= image1 >width corners_y [0][ i]+match_w/2 >= image1 >height) continue ; // get the template sub image template = cvcreatemat(match_w,match_w,cv_8uc1) ; cvgetsubrect(image1, template, cvrect(corners_x [0][ i] MATCH_W/2,corners_y [0][ i] MATCH_W/2, MATCH_W,MATCH_W) ) ; template_norm = sqrt (compare_squares_ncc( template, template,1.0,1.0) ) ; // loop over all possible matches best_match_ncc = 0.0; for ( j =0;j<num_corners [ 1 ] ; j++) double match_ncc ; // check that the square is inside the image if (corners_x [1][ j ] < MATCH_W/2 corners_y [1][ j ] < MATCH_W/2 corners_x [1][ j]+match_w/2 >= image2 >width corners_y [1][ j]+match_w/2 >= image2 >height) continue ; // get the comparison sub_image rectangle sub_image = cvcreatemat(match_w,match_w,cv_8uc1) ; cvgetsubrect(image2, sub_image, cvrect(corners_x [1][ j] MATCH_W/2,corners_y [1][ j] MATCH_W/2, MATCH_W,MATCH_W) ) ; double sub_image_norm = sqrt ( compare_squares_ncc (sub_image, sub_image,1.0,1.0)); // perform the matching match_ncc = compare_squares_ncc ( template, sub_image, template_norm, sub_image_norm) ; cvreleasemat(&sub_image) ; // compare the results and update if necessary if (match_ncc > best_match_ncc) best_match_ncc = match_ncc ; best_match_index_ncc = j ; // compare best matches to threshold and store if (best_match_ncc >= THRESHOLD_NCC) match_index_ncc [ i ] = best_match_index_ncc ; corners1 [match_count ]. x = corners_x [0][ i ]; corners1 [match_count ]. y = corners_y [0][ i ]; corners2 [match_count ]. x = corners_x [1][ best_match_index_ncc ]; corners2 [match_count ]. y = corners_y [1][ best_match_index_ncc ]; match_count++; cvreleasemat(&template) ; if (match_count==max_num_corners) break ; number_of_correspondences = match_count; 4.4 ransac.c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math. h> #include <limits.h> #include <float.h> #include "opencv/cv.h" #include "opencv/highgui.h" #include "hw5.h" #define INLIER_THRESHOLD 1. 5

11 #define PROBABILITY_REQUIRED // Using a base set of correspondences (contained in corners1 and corners2), // computes various homographies from randomly generated data until one // is found which produces enough inliers to have a high probability of // being correct. The inlier correspondences and the estimated (unrefined) // homography are returned. void compute_ransac_correspondences ( CvPoint c o r n e r s 1 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS], C vp o i n t c o r n e r s 2 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS], int number_of_correspondences, C vp o i n t b e s t _ i n l i e r _ s e t 1 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS], C vp o i n t b e s t _ i n l i e r _ s e t 2 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS], int number_of_inliers, CvMat best_h) int i, j; int N, sample_count ; N = INT_MAX; sample_count = 0; int max_inliers = 0; double best_variance = 0; C vp o i n t i n l i e r _ s e t 1 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS ] ; C vp o i n t i n l i e r _ s e t 2 [MAX_NUM_CORNERS ] ; CvMat H = cvcreatemat (3,3,CV_64FC1) ; CvMat image1_coord = cvcreatemat (3,1,CV_64FC1) ; CvMat image2_coord = cvcreatemat (3,1,CV_64FC1) ; while (N > sample_count) CvPoint points1 [4]; CvPoint points2 [4]; // get 4 random correpondences i = 0; while ( i <4) int index = rand ()%number_of_correspondences ; // checkfor duplicate point int duplicate = 0; for ( j =0;j<i ; j++) if (points1 [ j ]. x==corners1 [ index ]. x && points1 [ j ]. y==corners1 [ index ]. y) duplicate = 1; break ; if (duplicate) continue ; // add correspondence to l i s t points1 [ i ]. x = corners1 [ index ]. x; points1 [ i ]. y = corners1 [ index ]. y; points2 [ i ]. x = corners2 [ index ]. x; points2 [ i ]. y = corners2 [ index ]. y; i ++; // set up the problem as a matrix equation double sol_matrix [64]; double sol_vector [8]; for ( i =0;i <4; i++) sol_matrix [2 i 8+0] = points2 [ i ]. x ; sol_matrix [2 i 8+1] = points2 [ i ]. y ; sol_matrix [2 i 8+2] = 1; sol_matrix [2 i 8+3] = 0; sol_matrix [2 i 8+4] = 0; sol_matrix [2 i 8+5] = 0; sol_matrix [2 i 8+6] = points1 [ i ]. x points2 [ i ]. x; sol_matrix [2 i 8+7] = points1 [ i ]. x points2 [ i ]. y; sol_matrix [(2 i+1) 8+0] = 0; sol_matrix [(2 i+1) 8+1] = 0; sol_matrix [(2 i+1) 8+2] = 0; sol_matrix [(2 i+1) 8+3] = points2 [ i ]. x ; sol_matrix [(2 i+1) 8+4] = points2 [ i ]. y ; sol_matrix [(2 i+1) 8+5] = 1;

12 sol_matrix [(2 i+1) 8+6] = points1 [ i ]. y points2 [ i ]. x; sol_matrix [(2 i+1) 8+7] = points1 [ i ]. y points2 [ i ]. y; sol_vector [2 i ] = points1 [ i ]. x; sol_vector [2 i+1] = points1 [ i ]. y; // solve the problem and copy the solution into H CvMat temp = cvcreatemat (8,1,CV_64FC1) ; CvMat A; CvMat B; cvinitmatheader(&a, 8, 8,CV_64FC1, sol_matrix,cv_autostep) ; cvinitmatheader(&b, 8, 1, CV_64FC1, sol_ vector,cv_autostep) ; cvsolve(&a, &B, temp, CV_LU) ; for ( i =0;i <8; i++) cvmset (H, i /3, i %3,cvmGet(temp, i, 0 ) ) ; cvmset(h,2,2,1.0) ; cvreleasemat(&temp) ; // H should map points from image 1 into image 2. The H can be // checked by computing the backprojection error for each point // correspondence int num_inliers = 0; double sum_distance = 0; double sum_distance_squared = 0; for ( i =0;i<number_of_correspondences ; i++) // first compute the distance between the original coordinate and the backprojected // corresponding coordinate cvmset(image2_coord,0,0, corners2 [ i ]. x) ; cvmset(image2_coord,1,0, corners2 [ i ]. y) ; cvmset(image2_coord,2,0,1.0) ; cvmatmul(h, image2_coord, image1_coord) ; double dx = (( double)cvmget(image1_coord,0,0) /( double)cvmget(image1_coord,2,0) ) corners1 [ i].x; double dy = (( double)cvmget(image1_coord,1,0) /( double)cvmget(image1_coord,2,0) ) corners1 [ i].y; double distance = sqrt(dx dx + dy dy) ; // compare t h i s distance to a threshold to determine if it is an inlier if ( d i s t a n c e <INLIER_THRESHOLD) // it is an inlier so add it to the inlier set inlier_set1 [ num_inliers ]. x = corners1 [ i ]. x; inlier_set1 [ num_inliers ]. y = corners1 [ i ]. y; inlier_set2 [ num_inliers ]. x = corners2 [ i ]. x; inlier_set2 [ num_inliers ]. y = corners2 [ i ]. y; num_inliers++; sum_distance += distance ; sum_distance_squared += distance distance ; // check if this is the best H yet (most inliers, lowest variance in the event // of a t i e ) if (num_inliers >= max_inliers) // compute variance in case of a tie double mean_distance = sum_distance /(( double)num_inliers) ; double variance = sum_distance_squared /(( double)num_inliers 1.0) mean_distance mean_distance ( double)num_inliers /((double)num_inliers 1.0) ; if (( num_inliers > max_inliers) (num_inliers==max_inliers && variance < best_variance) ) // this is the best H so store its information best_variance = variance ; if (best_h) cvreleasemat(&best_h) ; best_h = cvclonemat(h) ; max_inliers = num_inliers ; for ( i =0;i<num_inliers ; i++) best_inlier_set1 [ i ].x = inlier_set1 [ i ]. x; best_inlier_set1 [ i ].y = inlier_set1 [ i ]. y; best_inlier_set2 [ i ].x = inlier_set2 [ i ]. x; best_inlier_set2 [ i ].y = inlier_set2 [ i ]. y;

13 // update N and sample_count using algorithm 4.5 sample_count++; if ( num_inliers > 0) double epsilon = 1.0 ((double ) num_inliers ) /((double ) number_of_correspondences ) ; double inv_epsilon = 1.0 epsilon ; N = ( int ) ( log (1.0 PROBABILITY_REQUIRED) / l o g ( 1. 0 (inv_epsilon inv_epsilon inv_epsilon inv_epsilon ))) ; number_of_inliers = max_inliers ;

14 Figure 1: Simple window matching. From top to bottom: input images, remapped images, dierence images.

15 Figure 2: Sample image matching. From top to bottom: input images, remapped images, di erence images.

16 Figure 3: Simple dart board matching. images. From top to bottom: input images, remapped images, dierence

17 Figure 4: Dicult dart board matching. From top to bottom: input images, remapped images, dierence images.

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